Opening Times for Asda in Ashington

Asda in Ashington is open 7 days of the week. This store stocks many every day products. This supermarket opens its doors on weekdays at 8:00 am and 10:00 am on a Sunday. Pick up expiring food at redueced prices by visiting the Asda shop a few hours before closing time.

Find out if Asda is open for the rest of the day below.

Asda in Ashington is CURRENTLY OPEN

Closes today at 12:00 am
Call Asda in Ashington on:

Directions to Asda in Ashington

Asda is located on Asda Ashington with postcode NE63 9XG. To help locate Asda in Ashington, please use the Google map below.

Store Information

Opening Times

Monday 8:00 am 12:00 am
Tuesday           Open 24 Hours
Wednesday           Open 24 Hours
Thursday           Open 24 Hours
Friday           Open 24 Hours
Saturday 12:00 am 10:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am 4:00 pm



Asda Ashington
Portland Park, Lintonville Terrace
NE63 9XG

Nearby Asda stores include:

Asda supermarkets that are within 100 miles of Ashington include:

Asda at Boldon
Asda at Washington

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